Welcome to Legacy Roleplay Bangladesh
Custom Vehicle Plate
Price: 599 BDT / 555 INR
Ever wanted a custom vehicle plate? Here's your chance!
With this, you get the ability to change the vehicle plate on one of your owned vehicles in-game. The Custom Plate has to be between 3 and 8 characters long and only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces (A-Z and 0-9, cannot start or end with space) and it is not possible to take a plate number already registered to another vehicle.
After buying this package you need to create a ticket on Legacy RP Bangladesh Discord server with the payment details. You may lose the number due to reasons such as (but not limited to) server wipe or a character wipe. If this happens, you do not get the ability to redeem the package again.
This package is permanent unless the server gets wiped or your character has been deleted nor does it give you any in-game advantages.