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Custom Phone Number


Price: 499 BDT / 449 INR

Ever wanted a custom phone number? Here's your chance!


With this, you get the ability to change the phone number for one of your characters. The custom phone number has to follow the normal format (that being XXX-XXXX where 'X' is a number between 0 and 9) and it is not possible to claim a phone number already registered to another character.


After buying this package you need to create a ticket on Legacy RP Bangladesh Discord server with the payment details. You may lose the number due to reasons such as (but not limited to) server wipe or a character wipe. If this happens, you do not get the ability to redeem the package again.


This package is permanent unless the server gets wiped or your character has been deleted nor does it give you any in-game advantages.

For Bangladesh: Send your payment to +8801777490227 (BKash)

For India: Send your payment to 9734878424 / 9476222657 (Gpay / Phonepe)

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